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Formal Events – Game wise Rules

1. Start-up Spark: Commercial Launch of Business Plan


  1. Participants need to register as a team of 2 members from the same institute.
  2. A college can send more than one entry.
  3. Participants are required to submit the soft copy of their summarized business launch plan of their innovative product/service (3000 words) in word file before 31st January, 2025 through E-mail on
  4. The idea should be innovative, original, untested idea of their own or drawn from any other resources. The innovation for product or services will be preferred for evaluation.
  5. On the day of presentation, the teams will be given 15 minutes’ time to present their business plan.
  6. Special online track will be there for international participants.

Registration fees: Rs.100 per Participant including GST for Indian Participants

                               USD 30/AED 100 per Participant including GST for International Participants

Game Coordinators: Dr. Janaki Patel, Prof. Kushal Patvari- 9510306929


2. AdVibe Studios- Commercial Ad making


  1. Participants need to register as a team of 3 members from the same institute.
  2. A college can send more than one entry.
  3. A product/service will be allocated on the spot to each team. 
  4. The team need to prepare 60-seconds commercial advertisement for the given product/service in the form of a role-play. 
  5. Teams will be given 30 minutes for preparation
  6. Teams will be called one by one and will be given 5 minutes for set-up followed by 60 minutes of role-play. 
  7. Special online track will be there for international participants.

Registration fees: Rs.100 per Participant including GST for Indian Participants

                               USD 30/AED 100 per Participant including GST for International Participants

Game Coordinators: Prof. Vishnu, Dr. Janaki Patel- 8401846098


3. Corporate Minds- Business Quiz      


  1. Each team will consist of two members from the same institute. Institutes can send more than one team. 
  2. Replacement of any participant of a team is not allowed after registration. 
  3. The participants will not be allowed to use mobile, smart watch or other electronic instruments.
  4. The business quiz will be held in two rounds: -
    1. Elimination round- Each team would be given a set of question paper containing 50 MCQ type questions (2 marks for correct answer). Time limit- 50 minutes. Six teams will be selected for final stage rounds.
    2. Final stage rounds- It will contain mixture of questions like audio-visual round, buzzer round, rapid fire rounds etc.
  5. In case of tie, the jury members along with coordinators will take a final decision.
  6. The decision of quiz master is final and will not be subjected to any change.
  7. Special online track will be there for international participants.

Registration fees: Rs.100 per Participant including GST for Indian Participants

                               USD 30/AED 100 per Participant including GST for International Participants

Game Coordinators: Dr. Suraj Shah, Prof. Disha Limbachiya- 9920326880,


4. Creative Chronicles- Innovative Content Writing

Creative Chronicles is a competition for innovative content writing. Main purpose behind organizing this competition is to improve brainstorming activity to write creative content on contemporary issues. It is an opportunity for students from diverse fields and areas of interest to display their analytical, creative thinking and writing, as well as their presentation skills. Students can also get a chance to publish their article/report in Protsahan-2025 proceedings (E-Copy).


Students can submit their article/report based on any of the following themes.

a. Artificial Intelligence: Applications and Ethics

  1. The Shift to E-Learning and Its Impact
  2. Effective Leadership and Team Building
  3. Sustainable Living: Tips for a Greener Lifestyle
  4. Work-Life Balance: The Key to Thriving, Not Just Surviving

Eligibility Criteria

  1. The participants have to register in a team of 2 only. 
  2. The competition is open to any college/department/university across India.
  3. Students studying in graduate or post graduate program are eligible to participate.
  4. A college can submit any number of entries for the event. 
  5. Special online track will be there for international participants.

Registration fees: Rs.100 per Participant including GST for Indian Participants

                               USD 30/AED 100 per Participant including GST for International Participants

Submission guidelines

  1. Entries should be submitted in English Language only.
  2. Word limit for the Article/Report: 2000 words.
  3. The submission should be made as a Microsoft Word document only. 
  4. Submit your final Article/Report through e-mail on:
  5. Last date for Submission of final Article is 2nd February, 2025.
  6. On the day of the event, students must present their work using a PowerPoint presentation based on their submitted article.
  7. All submitted articles will be compiled in Protsahan-2025 proceedings (E-Copy).

Formatting Guidelines for Articles

  1. Font: Times New Roman, 12-point, 1.5-line spacing, 1-inch margins, justified alignment.
  2. Structure: Title page, sections (Introduction, Main Content, Conclusion, References).
  3. Visuals: Label images/tables as Figure/Table (e.g., Figure 1) with captions.
  4. Format: Submit as a Microsoft Word file (.doc/.docx) named [AuthorName]_Protsahan2025.docx.
  5. Special online track will be there for international participants.

Registration fees: Rs.100 per Participant including GST for Indian Participants

                               USD 50 per Participant including GST for International Participants

Game Coordinator: Dr. Chaitali Shah- 9376173480

5. Visual Storyboard- Poster Presentation


  1. There will be 2 participants per team.
  2. Students need to prepare a poster on any of the following themes.
    1. Artificial Intelligence
    2. Women Empowerment
    3. Leadership and Team Building
    4. Smart City
    5. Work-Life Balance
  3. Institute can send more than 1 entry.
  4. Poster Size (Hard Copy): 36 x 48 inch. Poster Will be provided from University.
  5. Total 5 minutes will be given for the presentation followed by 2 minute of question answers.
  6. Poster abstract should be submitted before 2nd February 2025 through email on 
  7. In the header, it is compulsory for all the participants to mention Protsahan- 2025
  8. Special online track will be there for international participants.

Registration fees: Rs.100 per Participant including GST for Indian Participants

                               USD 30/AED 100per Participant including GST for International Participants

Game Coordinator: Prof. Vishnu S U-9446284328


6. Snapshot Quest- Spot Photography 


  1. It is an individual event. 
  2. Institute can send more than one entry.
  3. The participants have to bring his/ her own camera for the photography. Mobile phones are not allowed for photography.
  4. The memory card of the camera will be formatted by the judges before the commencement of the event.
  5. The participants have to capture photographs on the theme announced on the spot by the judges.
  6. Participants need to submit 5 best photographs with suitable caption.
  7. Mixing, matching or morphing of photographs and the use of software such as Photoshop will not be permitted.
  8. The organizers will have all the rights for the use of these pictures as and when they deem fit. 

Registration fees: Rs.100 per Participant including GST for Indian Participants

Game Coordinator: Dr. Nirav Joshi-9099916877


Informal Events – Game wise Rules

7. Spotlight Search - Talent Hunt/Stage Performance Rules


  1. The competition is open to participants in predefined categories (e.g., solo, duo, group). Participants can register as a solo participant/ Group entry (Maximum 8 participants per group).
  2. Performances can include dance, music, drama, comedy, poetry, or any other stage art form.
  3. Participants must register using the official registration form.
  4. Entries will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis due to limited slots.

Performance time:

Solo: Maximum [3-5] minutes.

Group: Maximum [5-7] minutes

  1. All performances must be appropriate for a general audience and free from offensive language, themes, or gestures.
  2. Participants must submit their music or audio files by 5th February, 2024. Accepted formats: MP3 or WAV.
  3. Props are allowed but must be declared and approved in advance. Participants are responsible for their setup and removal.
  4. Any act that poses a safety risk will be stopped immediately.

Registration fees: Rs.100 per Participant including GST for Indian Participants

Game Coordinator: Prof. Disha Limbachiya- 9920326880 


8. Cinema Brilliance: Bollywood Quiz


  1. Each team will consist of two participants and the participants should be from the same institute.
  2. More than one team can participate from the same institute. 
  3. Elimination round- Each team would be given a set of question paper containing 50 MCQ type questions (2 marks for correct answer). Time limit- 50 minutes. Six teams will be selected for final stage rounds.
  4. Top 6 teams will be selected on the bases of score they have earned in Elimination Round.
  5. Any electronic gadget like smart phones, smart watch, tablet etc will not be allowed in any of the round of the game. 
  6. Rules of each round will be announced on the spot.
  7. The final winner will be decided on the bases of overall score of the team in Phase-II.
  8. If there will be tie between teams at the end of all rounds, then there will be surprise tie breaking round. 

Registration fees: Rs.100 per Participant including GST for Indian Participants

Game Coordinators: Prof. Kushal Patvari, Prof. Disha Limbachiya- 9920326880


9. Speed Spark: 1 Minute Challenge


  1. Each team would consist of 3 members from the same institute.
  2. There will be various rounds of one minute games, and teams will be eliminated accordingly.
  3. Teams will be short-listed for playing quarter final followed by semi-final and final rounds.
  4. The props and materials required for the games will be provided by the organizers.
  5. Games are designed to test the presence of mind, quick responsiveness and team work of the participants.
  6. The rules of the individual game will be explained just before the start of each game.
  7. The decision of the panel members will be final and binding to all the participants.

Registration fees: Rs.100 per Participant including GST for Indian Participants

Game Coordinators: Dr. Chaitali Shah-9376173480


10. Mystery Trails- Treasure Hunt Guidelines:

  1. There will be a team of 3 members.
  2. Initially, there will be an elimination round. Top 12 teams will be qualified for the final round.
  3. Participants must find the hidden treasure using a series of clues.
  4. Clues will be placed at various locations, guiding participants to the next clue or the final treasure.
  5. There will be a specified time limit to complete the hunt.
  6. For any concern, the decision of the organizer shall be final and binding.           

Registration fees: Rs.100 per Participant including GST for Indian Participant

Game Coordinators: Dr. Nirav Joshi-9099916877


11. Henna Creations- Mehndi                                                         


  1. Each team consists of 2 members—one will draw, and the other will provide their hand for the art.
  2. Institute can send more than one entry for the same.
  3. Participants must bring their own materials (e.g., mehndi cone).
  4. Participants cannot use any digital or printed material for design ideas.
  5. Mehndi must be applied to two hands, specifically on the palms.
  6. The total time for the event is 1 hour.

Registration fees: Rs.100 per Participant including GST for Indian Participants

Game Coordinator: Dr. Santok Modhwadiya-7874545206


12. Colorscape- Rang De Rangoli                                                                 

 Guidelines :

  1. The team should consist of 2 participants.
  2. Participants have to create a Rangoli in a 3x3 feet area.
  3. Theme will be given on the spot. 
  4. Participants need to carry required colors and other materials by their own (Paints are not allowed). 
  5. Rangoli has to be made by hand and any type of tools will not be allowed.
  6. Time duration will be 1 hour.

Registration fees: Rs.100 per Participant including GST for Indian Participants

Game Coordinators: Dr. Santok Modhwadiya- 7874545206
