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Ganpat University- Scholarship
Scholarship/freeship is a boon for students belonging to the weaker section of the society who are unable to further their education for some reason or the other. It is an incentive as well as encouragement for students who are talented but do not have the means to study further. Many types of scholarship/freeship are offered to students of Ganpat University such as merit-based, need-based, student-specific, career-specific and college-specific. Ganpat University offers Scholarship worth Rs. 3.00 Crore every year to more than 2000 students.
Contact Person :
Mr. Pratik Patel
Mo. No. : 9426625186
Email :
University Central Office, Ganpat Vidyanagar,
Ganpat University.
Scholarships offered to the students of GUNI are reviewed on a regular basis and the University reserves the right to review, amend, and introduce new awards/scholarship schemes and to cease the award of scholarships.
Changes/revisions to scholarship provision, eligibility criteria, amount or any other major or minor details will be communicated to any affected applicants or potentially eligible students from time to time by the University.
For more details please refer details below.
Scholarship Guidelines
Ganpat University has a defined policy containing rules and standard administrative procedures for awarding scholarships to meritorious students from poor or middle class families by lowering or removing the financial barrier to study.
University offers various scholarships to students in each discipline every academic year depending upon their previous academic performance, financial conditions and academic performance or sporting achievements during the study at University. University follows the defined procedure to offer various scholarship schemes to all students who seek admission in any programs of the University and to all their existing students who are pursuing any program in the University.
This scholarship policy provides the details of procedure, rules and regulations to be followed by the University along with the details of various existing scholarship schemes, its eligibility criteria, scholarship benefits and process to apply and avail the scholarships.
University follows below procedure to get approval for each scholarship schemes:
1.1. Draft of Scholarship scheme will be discussed and deliberated in the University Dean’s committee meeting which comprises Director General and Vice chancellor, Pro-Vice Chancellors, all the Executive Deans and deans of all the faculties, Principals and Chairpersons of constituent institutes/colleges of University.
1.2 The Scholarship scheme with the recommendations of the Dean’s committee will be placed and tabled before the University’s Finance Committee for recommendations and approval.
1.3 The Scholarship scheme with the recommendations of the University’s Finance Committee will be placed before the University’s Board of Governors for approval.
1.4 After receiving the approval from the Board of Governors, the Registrar issue the Notification of Scholarship scheme and it will be shared and communicated to all the Pro-Vice Chancellors, all the Executive Deans and deans of all the faculties, Principals and Chairpersons of constituent institutes/colleges of University and staff and students.
The eligibility to qualify for scholarship varies on the nature of scholarship which could be merit, merit cum means, reservation, government eligibility criteria and many more.
The guidelines for eligibility as decided and approved by the Board of Governors will be indicated and communicated clearly through notification by the University from time to time each academic year.
While awarding the scholarship, several other indicators are also considered which includes previous academic performance, academic excellence or excellence and achievements in any sports and financial hardship of meritorious candidates.
All eligible students are required to follow and complete the process defined by the University well within the stipulated time to avail the scholarships. However recommendations by competent authorities/Deans/ Principals are also to be considered in a few deserving cases who are financially weak for award of scholarship/financial assistance. Deserving students are required to submit an application along with all supporting information and documents as required for assessment of student’s financial conditions. The University’s committee evaluates the student’s case and may request for additional information and documents as deemed appropriate. It is the responsibility of the student to submit all documents along with application for consideration. Incomplete or inadequate information will render the application rejected.
University offers various scholarships schemes as below:
1. On Admission Merit Scholarship
2. Merit Scholarship
3. Merit cum means scholarship
4. Alumni scholarship
5. Employee Benefit scholarship
6. Sports Scholarship
7. Research scholarship for Gold Medalists
3.1 On Admission Merit Scholarship
To attract meritorious candidates, the University announces scholarships while inviting applications for admission from the candidates to any programme such as diploma, undergraduate or master programmes of Ganpat University. Following is the On Admission Merit Scholarship offered by the University:
3.1.1 Open House and Early Bird Scholarships:
GUNI Open house and early bird scholarship will be granted as per the conditions and guidelines notified by the University from time to time at time of admission cycle of each academic year. These guidelines may vary or amend for each academic year.
1. Eligibility :
The student/candidate who completed Diploma or Graduation from any constituent institute/ college of GUNI in the current academic year or the student/candidate who completed SSC or HSC from GUNI Schools in the current academic year.
2. Process to be followed by the candidate to avail the scholarship :
Eligible students are required to secure and confirm his/her admission in any programme of GUNI in the current academic year during the admission cycle within the prescribed deadline declared by the University each academic year. Students need to submit an online application for admission through GUNI online admission application portal and are required to pay admission confirmation fee after admission confirmation received from GUNI institute/college based on admission eligibility criteria of the program.
3. Scholarship Benefits/Amount :
i) Scholarship Benefits shall be applicable to eligible students/candidates who completed diploma or graduation from any constituent institute/ college based on their Past academic performance -CGPA/Grades/ Percentage as below:
Open House /Early bird Scholarship percentage applicable per semester = (3 x CGPA of pre-final Semester ) % + 5 % (for the minimum duration of the program).
ii) Scholarship Benefits shall be applicable to eligible students/candidates who completed SSC or HSC from GUNI Schools as below :
Open House /Early bird Scholarship percentage applicable per semester = 25 % of tuition fee per semester of program (for the minimum duration of the program).
3.2 Merit Scholarship (During a programme) :
In order to encourage the students to achieve higher academic performance during their studies in any programme , the University provides merit scholarships for them as recognition of their academic achievements on the concerned programme of the study. These scholarships will be awarded at the end of every academic year on the declaration of the results on the basis of academic performance of students at the end of every semester.
3.2.1 Grant of Merit Scholarship:
At the end of each academic year, a panel of first three rank holders will be drawn for each semester of each programme of study containing names of first three rank holders in descending order of their merit determined on the basis of SGPA as per University notification, subject to SGPA not less than 6.50. These scholarships are different from the ones given at the time of admissions.
These Scholarship shall be awarded on the basis of semester/trimester performance
(SGPA/TGPA of the semester/trimester, as applicable).
The amount equivalent to Net Tuition Fees (means Tuition Fees prescribed for general category minus any other kind of scholarship received by Ganpat University) shall be considered for awarding the merit scholarship to the student studying in any program of GUNI.
The grant of merit scholarship to first three rank holders will be as per below conditions as per amended notification no.73/2016 ( dated 19/12/2016) :
Sr. No. |
No. of Students in program |
Rank-wise Scholarship percentage |
1 |
Up to 10 Students |
20% of Tution fee to 1st Rank holder |
2 |
More than 10 and up to 20 students |
30 % of Tuition fee to 1st Rank holder |
3 |
More than 20 and up to 40 students |
30 % of Tuition fee to 1st Rank holder, 20% of Tuition fee to 2nd Rank holder |
4 |
More than 40 students |
30 % of Tuition fee to 1st Rank holder, 20% of Tuition fee to 2nd Rank holder 10 % of Tution fee to 3rd Rank holder |
However, in case of more than one candidate having same rank, the amount of scholarship shall be divided as under:
Rank |
No. of Students having equality of rank |
Distribution of Scholarship Amount |
1 |
02 |
The total scholarship amount of 1st Rank and 2nd Rank shall be divided equally among two students. The next candidate/s in Rank will be awarded as per 3rd Rank scholarship. |
1 |
03 or more |
The total scholarship amount of 1st Rank, 2nd Rank & 3rd Rank shall be divided equally among the all students. |
2 |
02 or more |
The total scholarship amount of 2nd Rank & 3rd Rank shall be divided equally among the students. |
3 |
02 or more |
The total scholarship amount of 3nd Rank shall be divided equally among all students. |
3.3 Merit-cum-means Scholarship:
The University will provide the Merit-cum-means scholarship/financial assistance to deserving students who are academically good and may need financial assistance to pursue their studies in the University. These scholarships cum financial assistance will be granted to financially weak students each academic year subject to the approval of University committee and board of governors. Following is the Merit-cum-means scholarship offered by the University :
3.3.1 GUNI-Employee Contribution Fund for Students Financial Aid (GUNI -ECFSFA) :
Under the GUNI-ECFSFA scheme, students will be provided Interest Free Education Loan to pay Tuition Fees Only from the date of Application (subject to fulfillment of terms & conditions laid down by University & signing the agreement with respective Institute) and he/she shall pay back the financial aid as under;
“Financial aid extended to students shall be paid back to the Fund by the student latest by within a three years timeline extended to maximum five years from the date of commencement of his/her professional career either it be self-employment or service at any kind of organization OR after one year of completion of study.”
1. Process to be followed by the student to apply for the scholarship/financial
Students are required to submit an application containing details of his/her financial background with required supporting documents related to their family income to the Principal/Chairperson/Head of the Constituent institute/ College of GUNI. Total income from all the sources of family of student applying for financial assistance should however not exceed Rs.3,00,000 per annum.
Following are list of required documents to be submitted along with the student’s application :
I. Student’s Adhar card
II. Parent’s Adhar card and Pan card
III. Income Certificate issued by the Competent Authority in the State/UT Government
IV. Income tax return file of last two years
V. Original bank statements of last two years of students and all family members
VI. Student’s previous education marksheets/certificates
2. Student’s application assessment and approval process :
I. Student’s application and all supporting documents to be checked and verified by the Principal/Chairperson/Head of the Constituent institute/ College of GUNI.
II. Physical Verification of students to be done by Constituent institute/ College of GUNI. Any authorized officer of institute/ College of GUNI shall visit the home of the student as a surprise visit to process physical verification.
III. Student’s application (along with all supporting documents) and Physical Verification form with recommendation of the Principal/Chairperson/Head of the Constituent institute/ College of GUNI to be submitted to the University for review and approval of the committee.
IV. University Committee reviews and assesses the students’ applications received from all the Constituent institutes/ Colleges of GUNI and approves the students application.
V. University shall send the communication to Constituent institutes/ Colleges of GUNI about the status of students’ application submitted by them.
VI. Constituent institute/ College of GUNI shall communicate and update to the concerned students about the status of their applications.
VII. Students, whose application is approved under GUNI-ECFSFA, are required to sign a Loan agreement on Rs.300 stamp paper and required to follow the conditions of Loan agreement.
3.4 Alumni Scholarship:
GUNI Alumni Scholarship is offered only to the Alumni of GUNI.
3.4.1 Eligibility:
The student/candidate who is an alumni of GUNI (student who studied any program from GUNI in any previous academic years.
3.4.2 Process to be followed by the candidate to avail the scholarship:
Eligible students are required to secure and confirm his/her admission in any programme of GUNI in the current academic year during the admission cycle within the prescribed deadline declared by the University each academic year. Students need to submit an online application for admission through GUNI online admission application portal and are required to pay admission confirmation fee after admission confirmation received from GUNI institute/college based on admission eligibility criteria of the program.
3.4.3 Scholarship Benefits/Amount:
Scholarship Benefits shall be applicable to eligible students as per below scheme:
Alumni Scholarship percentage applicable per semester = 25 % of tuition fee per semester of program (for the minimum duration of the program).
3.5 Employee Benefit Scholarship:
GUNI employee benefit Scholarship is offered only to the child or spouse of an employee of GUNI.
3.5.1 Eligibility:
Child or spouse of an existing employee of Ganpat University who enrolled in any program of Ganpat University
3.5. 2 Process to be followed by the candidate to avail the scholarship:
Eligible students are required to secure and confirm his/her admission in any programme of GUNI in the current academic year during the admission cycle within the prescribed deadline declared by the University each academic year. Students need to submit an online application for admission through GUNI online admission application portal and are required to pay admission confirmation fee after admission confirmation received from GUNI institute/college based on admission eligibility criteria of the program.
3.5.3 Scholarship Benefits/Amount:
Scholarship Benefits shall be applicable to eligible students as below:
Scholarship percentage applicable per semester = 25 % of tuition fee per semester of program (for the minimum duration of the program).
3.6 Sports Scholarship:
GUNI Sports Scholarship aims to provide financial support to young sportspersons and recognise their achievements at the international, national and state levels. Along with the financial support, the scholarship will also focus on encouraging the budding talents by proper mentorship as and when required.
3.6.1 Eligibility:
Existing student of Ganpat University who showed achievements or excellence in sports by winning or participating in any sports championship or tournaments at the international, national and state levels.
3.6.2 Process to be followed by the candidate to avail the scholarship:
Eligible students are required to submit an application to the University Sports department with necessary supporting documents/certificates of achievements or excellence in sports at the international, national and state levels.
University sports department checks/ verifies the student’s application and places and tables it to University’s finance committee for further recommendation and approval and then it is placed to the Board of Governors for approval. After approval is received, the University sports department communicates to the concerned student, Principal and University Account section.
3.6.3 Scholarship Benefits/Amount:
Student’s tuition fee of the program will be waived till completion of Program.
3.7 Research Scholarship for Gold Medalists:
GUNI Research Scholarship is awarded to meritorious postgraduate students for research leading to a research degree. The scholarship consists of a monthly stipend and/or a tuition fee waiver.
The objective of the scheme is to provide opportunities to meritorious candidates to undertake advanced studies and research leading to Ph.D degrees at the Ganpat University as per the University Notification No.46/2018, dated 27.08.2018.
3.7.1 Nature of Scholarship:
I. Ph. D Tuition Fee Waiver
II. Research Associateship for full time Ph.D
3.7.2 Eligibility:
The Scholarship is open to candidates who meet the following criteria:
I. have post graduation with Gold Medalist from universities having NAAC Grade A and/or above;
II. Have post graduation with Gold Medalist from institutions of national importance i.e. IITS/NIITS/IIITS etc.
3.7.3 Scholarship Benefits:
I. No tuition fees to be paid till completion of Ph.D. Program.
II. Additionally, full time Ph.D. Candidates will be eligible for the Research Associate Scheme of Ganpat University.
3.7.4 Terms and conditions:
I. The Ph.D. Admission will be based on fulfillment of the Ganpat University Ph.D. Admission process.
II. Only tuition fees will be waived, others fees as per Ganpat University regulation have to be paid by the scholar.
Eligible international students are encouraged to apply for scholarships available in their parent country as well as in India. University shall enable them to process applications as per guidelines. The University also offers scholarship to international/ foreign students as below:
4.1 GUNI Girl Empowerment Scholarship for International Girl Students
GUNI Girl Empowerment Scholarship shall be offered only to the girl student enrolling in any program of the University as notified by the University from time to time each academic year.
4.1.1 Eligibility:
Enrolling girl student shall be fulfilling any of the following condition:
1. Foreign Citizenship holder
2. Non-Resident of India (or Overseas Citizen of India Card Holder)
3. Children of Indian Diaspora living in Gulf Countries(CIWGC)
4.1.2 Process to be followed by student to avail the scholarship
A. Girl Student shall apply as an International student with its respective tuition, accommodation and food fees.
B. Approved Academic Grant support shall be released to the student's Indian Bank Account or as per RBI/Bank Guideline for transfer of funds for NRO Student account.
4.1.3 Scholarship benefit/Amount:
Minimum Amount of INR 10,000 will be offered to Girl Student
Apart from the GUNI Scholarship schemes, the University guides their students regarding eligibility, process and scholarship benefits of various government scholarships from time to time each academic year. The University encourages the eligible students to apply for applicable government scholarships and help them to get the scholarship benefit from the state and national government. Details of various government scholarships shown below :
5.1 Government scholarships specially for reserved category students who obtain admission in any program of University under state quota through Government’s Admission committee (ACPC)
5.1.1 Tuition Fee Waiver (TFW)
Any reserved category student from SC or ST who obtained admission in any program in any program under TFW seats as a state quota through the government's admission committee (ACPC). Full tuition fee will be waived for such students till the completion of the program.
5.1.2 Freeship Card Scholarships
Any reserved category student from SC or ST who obtained admission in any program in any program under state quota through the government's admission committee (ACPC) and who submits the original free ship card issued by complete authority of state government shall be eligible to receive full tuition fee and other fees as a scholarship from the government. Students are required to apply at relevant government portals as per the scholarship guidelines issued by the government from time to time.
5.2 Other Government scholarships
There are several other government scholarships available for the students. Students who fulfill the eligibility criteria, are required to apply at relevant government portals as per the scholarship guidelines issued by the government from time to time. The University guides all their students from time to time about the same each academic year.
5.2.1 Digital Gujarat Government Scholarships for SC, ST and OBC students
Digital Gujarat Scholarship is a scholarship scheme launched by the government of Gujarat to provide financial assistance to the SC, ST and OBC students of the state of Gujarat. Detailed guidelines of various digital gujarat scholarship schemes which contains online application process, eligibility criteria, list of required documents are updated by the Government of Gujarat every year from time to time at Digital Gujarat Government Scholarship Portal as per below link-
5.2.2. Mukhyamantri Yuva Swavalamban Yojana(MYSY) Scholarship
Mukhya Mantri Yuva Swavalamban Yojana (MYSY) scholarship is a scholarship program offered by the government of Gujarat, India for students pursuing higher education. The scholarship is aimed at providing financial assistance to students from economically and socially disadvantaged backgrounds to help them pursue higher education. The scholarship is open to students who are enrolled in undergraduate and postgraduate courses in recognized universities and colleges in Gujarat. Detailed guidelines of MYSY Scholarship schemes which contain online application process, eligibility criteria, list and formats of required documents are updated by the Government of Gujarat every year from time to time at MYSY Scholarship Portal - .
5.2.3 Hon.Chief Minister Scholarship Scheme (CMSS) Scholarship
The government of Gujarat has also launched a scholarship scheme called CMSS Scholarship. Through this scheme, financial assistance will be provided to the students of specific categories so that they can pursue their education. Detailed guidelines of CMSS Scholarship scheme which contain online application process, eligibility criteria, list and formats of required documents are updated by the Government of Gujarat every year from time to time at MYSY Scholarship Portal -
5.2.4 National Scholarship for Minorities Students
The objective of the scheme is to award scholarships to meritorious students belonging to economically weaker sections of minority community so as to provide them better opportunities for higher education, increase their rate of attainment in higher education and enhance their employability. The scholarship is to be awarded for studies in India in a government or private higher secondary school/college/university, including such residential institutes of the Government and eligible private institutes selected and notified in a transparent manner by the State Government/Union Territory Administration concerned. Detailed guidelines of CMSS Scholarship scheme which contain online application process, eligibility criteria, list and formats of required documents are updated by the Government of India every year from time to time at National Scholarship Portal (NSP)- .