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President Award Click here CAREER Click here Online Programmes Click here

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To provide research support to bright young candidates for pursuing full time advanced studies and research leading to Ph.D. Degree in the field of Engineering and Technology, Pharmacy, Management, Computer Applications, Sciences, Social Sciences and Humanities, Architecture Design & Planning, Law etc.
To attract highly qualified and motivated candidates to pursue full time doctoral degree and offer themselves for teaching position in the concerned faculty of Ganpat University.
A candidate who is registered for the full time Ph. D. degree at Ganpat University.
Applicants only in the notified areas and faculty by the University shall be eligible.
The candidate should not be engaged in any part-time or full time employment of any nature during the entire tenure of Fellowship.
The tenure of the JRF shall be initially for a period of 24 months based on satisfactory progress review at every 6 months by Research Advisory Committee based on Research Performance i.e. Publication in Journal/Conference, Sponsored Research Project from any agency etc.
The Tenure of SRF shall be for a period of 12 months commencing from satisfactorily completion of the JRF.
Extension of 12 months shall be permitted under special circumstances as may be specified with the approval of Director General.
Nature of Assistance available under the Scheme:
For Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) – Rs 40,000/- p.m. (25,000/- Research Fund and 15,000/- Stipend) shall be granted by the Institute as per the terms and conditions.
For Senior Research Fellowship (SRF) – Rs 45,000/- p.m.(30,000/- Research Fund and 15,000/- Stipend) shall be granted by the Institute as per the terms and conditions mentioned in the policy.
Procedure for Monitoring the Progress of the Candidate:
The PhD Scholars who are recipients of the Fellowship under this Scheme (hereinafter referred to as Doctoral Fellow) shall be absolutely governed by the PhD Regulations of the University for All Matters including presentation of periodic Progress Reports like any other PhD Scholars in the matter of accountability and adherence to the instruction of the guiding Supervisor/s. The Executive Dean of concerned faculty and Research Supervisor shall oversee the Scholar for performance and research progress including for administrative compliances of the requirements specified.
The Doctoral Fellow is expected to publish at least one research paper per year in a peer- reviewed journal, which is indexed in Scopus, web of science etc. during JRF.
There shall be at least one research paper per year or one Patent during the tenure of SRF.