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Apply Online for Convocation
Instructions and Procedure to Apply online for 17th Convocation
- The students who are studying in the final semester of the respective programme of Ganpat University under CBCS pattern must apply online for 17th convocation.
- The students, who have passed the final examination (under CBCS pattern) in previous years and had not applied online during the last convocation, have to apply online in respective convocation.
- The candidate has to fill up an online Application form for convocation on or before 30th March 2023.
- The candidate has to pay the convocation fee of Rs. 2,500/- before filling up the online application form otherwise system will not allow you to submit the online application form.
- The next convocation will be scheduled preferably in upcoming December-23 or January-24.
- You will get the User ID and Password for Login Ganpat University Portal on producing Identity Card at Student Section of respective Institute.
- Use the following link for access of Ganpat University Portal.
- Click Here
- For any assistance
- Kindly contact at Student Section of respective Institute.
- Please e-mail at ""
- Kindly contact Deputy Registrar (Examination) at University Office.
Read carefully the following Instruction before filling the application form:
- You are informed to verify all the Personal, Academic and Exam related information displayed by default & fill up remaining information accurately so that Degree/Diploma certificate can be generated and delivered without any error. (You can edit all personal details except your Name).
- Before submitting the application form, please verify that your Photo is properly visible or not. If not so, please upload the professional passport size photo in jpg format with max. 100 kb size. It is mandatory to have a good professional photo so that it can be printed in Degree Certificate if required.
- University will send all communications through email. Kindly write your email correctly. Do not write the email of any other person otherwise the communications from University will not be delivered to you properly. University shall not responsible in the case of incorrect or any other person email address.
- Kindly note that the degree certificate will be sent at your correspondence address after completion of Convocation preferable in March 2024. You are informed to write the correspondence address accordingly, so that the letters and certificates will be delivered correctly.
- Select any option (a or b) for Collecting the Degree/Diploma Certificate.
- In Person: The candidate will get Degree/Diploma Certificate on the day of Convocation.
- In Absentia: The candidate will not get Degree/Diploma Certificate on the day of Convocation.(The Degree/Diploma Certificate will be sent by Registered Post)
Important Notes:
- You are informed to select the option of In Person/In Absentia carefully.
- If, you will select the option “In Person” then you will entitled to attend the convocation and can collect the degree on the day of convocation. If, you will not able to remain present on the day of convocation then you can also collect the certificate after convocation day. As well as your parents in absence of you can collect the certificate with your authority letter after convocation only.
- If, you will select the option “In Absentia” then you will not entitled to attend the convocation and will not receive the degree certificate on the day of convocation. The degree certificate will sent at your correspondence address given at the time of application by post only.
- The option any above selected shall remain final & will not be considered for any change except in the case of Medal winners.