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Equal Opportunity Cell
In compliance to the philosophy of equitable justice enshrined in the Constitution of India, UGC has extended the services of SC/ST Cell to OBC minority and disabled students. In line with UGC guidelines, University has decided to constitute the Equal Opportunity Cell with immediate effect with an objective to address the issue related to the students belonging to Scheduled Casts, Scheduled Tribes, Other Backward Classes, Minorities and the Persons with disabilities (PWDs) on a Continual basis and empower such students to participate fully in the academic, Intellectual, Social and Cultural life of University on equal basis.
Members of Equal Opportunity Cell:
Sr.No | Name | Role | Contact No. |
1 | Dr. Satyen Parikh | Presiding Officer | +91 9825 106397 |
2 | Dr. Praful Bharadia | Adviser | +91 9924 944227 |
3 | Dr. Kiran Amin | Member | +91 9825 450140 |
4 | Miss Mansi Panchal | Member | +91 8734 866357 |
GUNI Constitution-of-Equal-Opportunity-Cell-session-2020-21 |
Duties and Powers of Equal Opportunity Cell
EOC shall perform the following functions and shall have all necessary powers to perform such functions:
- The office of the EOC will coordinate all the programmes of various agencies and Governments running in the University which aim to ensure equality for different marginalized sections of the society.
- The EOC will compile all the relevant information about students and teaching staff that belong to the marginalized section of the society.
- The EOC will work as a grievance redressal office for the members belonging to SC/ST/OBC, minority and persons with disabilities.
- The Presiding Officer and other members of EOC will ensure representation of different marginalized sections as provided by the constitution and fair treatment in all spheres of the University.
- The EOC will be responsible for the faithful observance of the policies and guidelines of the Central Government, State Governments and University Grants Commission (U.G.C.) regarding the welfare of the marginalized section of the society.
- The EOC, through various means will sensitize the people regarding special need of the differently able, SC, ST, OBC and minorities.
- The EOC will hold awareness programmes regarding the special needs of different sections at the beginning of the academic session in the University and various hall of residences.
- The EOC will seek support and co-ordinate with different Individuals/ organizations engaged in the welfare of marginalized sections of the society.
- The EOC will be a nodal office for the utilization of grants received from the various sources for the welfare of the marginalized section of the society in the University.
The EOC shall exercise special care to ensure that officials, faculty members and other employees of the University desist from any act of discrimination against SC/ST, OBC, minority and disabled students on grounds of their social origin. They would implement the terms of this Order in words and spirit and proactively participate to ensure that no official or faculty members indulge in any kind of discrimination against any community or category of students. If any such complaint or incident comes to the notice or knowledge of the members of the Cell, immediate inquiry shall be initiated in a time bound manner with the objective of resolving the issue. Matter may be reported to the Administrative Office of the Universit5r as and when necessary along with recommendations on the action required to be taken.
The Equal Opportunity Cell (EOC) will submit report to Pro Vice Chancellor Office for necessary directions.
The Committee shall meet at least once in a year, but the Presiding Officer may direct additional meetings to be held as and when required Minutes of Meeting the same shall be submitted in the Executive Registrar Office on regular basis.
Complaint section: