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Consultancy Services Overview:

Ganpat University (GUNI), located in the Mehsana district, has benefited from its location, which is one of the most small-scale and MSMEs-intensive hubs in North Gujarat. The overall external sectorial composition of firms in Mehsana district, which includes chemical, textiles, paper & pulp, oil & food processing units, and automobiles, has significantly aided the GUNI's R&D orientation. The GUNI is home to a number of cutting-edge R&D facilities, including several centers of excellence and sophisticated state-of-the-art laboratories. GUNI has a team of expert faculty members and technical staff that can solve almost any technological and fundamental scientific issues faced by industry. Industries from all sectors can use the GUNI's expertise and facilities in one of three ways: institutional consulting, retainer consulting, and research-based industrial consulting.

Consultancy domain / Category in which consultancy available

  • Engineering and technology
  • Pharmacy
  • Science
  • Computer & IT
  • Management & Social Science
  • Agriculture
  • Nursing
  • Renewable energy & EV
  • Additive Manufacturing
  • Machine Design & Dynamics

Major Areas of Consultancy:


Computer and IT


Novel Drug Design & Drug Delivery System:
Bioavailability Enhancement & Phytochemical-Herbal Drug:


5G Technology / Wireless Technology:
Microgrid/Battery Technology:
Environment & Sustainability:
Civil- Water Resources Engineering:
Renewable Energy & Waste to Energy:
Biomedical Sciences:
3D Printing (Additive Manufacturing):
Agriculture/Food Sciences:

Architecture & Design

Social Science




Key Statistics for Consultancy:

Current running consultancy:

  1. Dr. Ajay Gupta, Nanomaterials for pretreatment of Seawater and industrial waste-water to enhance the reverse osmosis (RO) system's recovery (2023)Funded by GUJCOST, Govt. of Gujarat, total costs: Rs. 28,95,200 (On Going)
  2.  EU funded Erasmus Project: Fostering Inclusive and Equitable Quality Education to stimulate lifelong Sustainable Learning opportunities for HEIs in India. : InEq-SL, 2023 total costs: Rs. 54,29,513      On Going
  1.  Dr. S. A. Patel, received the grant for Two days Workshop on “Hands on Training on Analytical Techniques: Spectroscopy & Chromatography” from GUJCOST and DST (Rs. 25000.00) dated 25/02/2022.
  2. Dr. P. U. Patel, Dr. S. S. Pancholi, received the grant for Two days National Workshop on “Patenting in Indian Regime & Invention Disclosures” from GUJCOST, DST & INSA (Rs. 15000.00) dated 03/10/2022.
  3. Dr. P. U. Patel, Dr. S. S. Pancholi, received the grant for Two days National Workshop on “Patenting in Indian Regime & Invention Disclosures” from GUJCOST, DST & INSA (Rs. 15000.00) dated 03/10/2022.
  4. Dr. Mahendra Sharma, Pro-Chancellor & Director General received the MGNCRE Minor Action Research Project titled Entrepreneurship Development in School Education: A Case of Gujarat Introduction from Mahatma Gandhi National Council of Rural Education, Ministry of Education, Govt. of India (Rs. 2,00,000.00); Start Date: September, 2021.
  5. Dr. Sourbhi Chaturvedi, received the MGNCRE Minor Action Research Project titled Higher Education Institutional Social Responsibility: An Evaluation of Practices for Rural Community Engagement in the State of Gujarat Core Objectives: (i) To identify University Social Responsibility (USR) practices by Higher Education Institute (HEI). (i) To identify Rural Community Engagement (RCE) practices by higher education institutions from Mahatma Gandhi National Council of Rural Education, Ministry of Education, Govt. of India (Rs. 7,50,000.00) ; Start Date: March, 2022.
  6. Dr. Jigna Prajapati received a grant for project titled Mind Inventory for Resource management Systems (MRMS) from Mind Inventory (Rs. 1,00,000.00) dated March, 2022.
  7. Dr. Hiral A. patel received a grant for ISO 27001 implementation and Internal Audit from Everest Instruments Pvt. Lmt. (Rs. 1,00,000.00) dated July, 2022.
  8.  Dr. Prasanta Das and Dr. Reena Rathod received the grant for the project entitled ‘Investigation of Photodegradation Pathways of Monohalobenzenes’ from GUNI-CARS (Rs. 3,50,000/-) in Dec, 2022 for 3 years.
  9. Dr. Kunvar Yadav received the grant for the project entitled "Spatio-temporal investigation of ice sheet mass balance", jointly with the Space Applications Centre at ISRO, Ahmedabad under the scheme of ISRO-EPSA: CSD/CAP  (Rs. 20,50,000/-) in Sep, 2022 for 3 years.
  10. Dr. Priti Patel and Dr. Sucheta Karande received the grant for the ‘Student Training on Microbiology quality control’ under the scheme of DBT-Skill Vigyan  (Rs. 21,30,000/-) in Dec, 2022 for 3 years.
  11. Dr.Arpit Shrivastava received the grant for the Workshop on “Hands on Training on Food Analysis” from SERB (Rs. 3,40,000) dated 1/1/2023 to 7/1/2023.
  12. Dr.P.U.Patel received grant for One Day National Workshop on “Assessment of Research in View of Patentability” from GUNI-SSIP (Rs. 15000) dated 26/04/2023.
  13. Sandeepsingh R. Sisodia received grant for ‘RANI-KI-VAV: Documentation | Conservation | Rejuvenation’ (Rs. 2,00,000) from AICTE, MoHUA under the scheme of ‘Mission Amrit Sarovar - Jal Dharohar Sanrakshan Internship’ dated 18.07.2022 to 15.08.2022.
  14. Mayurkumar B. Prajapati received grant for ‘SAHASRALINGA: Documentation | Conservation | Rejuvenation’ (Rs. 2,00,000) from AICTE, MoHUA under the scheme of ‘Mission Amrit Sarovar - Jal Dharohar Sanrakshan Internship’ dated 18.07.2022 to 15.08.2022.
  15. Prof. Vijay Patel, Prof Dhaval Soni and Prof Trushar Shah received grant for "ROBOFEST- Gujarat 3.0" from GUJCOST (Rs. 50,000) in April, 2023.
  16. Dr. Meghna Patel, Mr. Dhaval Raval received grant for “Real Time Traffic Analysis and Vehicle Tracking System Using Traffic Monitoring Camera Streaming” from SSIP-GUNI (Rs. 35000) in May, 2023.
  17. Dr. Meghna Patel, Mr. Dhaval Raval received grant for “Detection of Excessive Crowd Density Using IOT and AI” from SSIP-GUNI (Rs. 1,50,000) in May, 2023.
  18. Dr. Meghna Patel, Mr. Dhaval Raval received grant for “The Green Eco-System” from SSIP-GUNI (Rs. 22,000) in May, 2023.

Key Software for Consultancy:

Type of software

Name of Software

Research Database

ProQuest, Capitaline Databases, Ace Equity Nxt

Anti-Plagiarism Software


Licensed Software

Chemdraw, ibm spss amos, Rstudio, Python, Scilab, LaTeX

Key Infrastructure for consultancy:

Bosch-Rexroth Centre of Excellence for Automation Technologies (Hydraulics & Pneumatics system, PLC & Mechatronics).
Bosch Artisan Centre for Power tools in Electrical.
Centre of Excellence established at eInfochips Ltd (an Arrow Company) for M.Tech EC (VLSI).
Centre of Excellence for Additive Manufacturing (3D Printing).
Advance Technology Centre for Next Generation Network (5G & beyond)
Energy Innovation Centre (EIC).
EC-Council University Centre for Cyber Security Technologies.
Ship in Campus
Full Mission Engine Room Simulator (3D Interface and Desktop Version Training Facility)
Computing facility-Param Shavak Super Computer supported by GUJCOST and CDAC
Shalby Centre for Healthcare Management and Research
Network and Cyber Security Research Lab
Data Analytics Lab
Google Centre of Excellence
Medicinal Garden and Herbal Drug Museum
Camper Healthcare: FDCA Approved Solid and Liquid Formulation Mfg. Plant
Animal House

Key Clients (Research Projects and Consultancy):


Key Clients (Research Projects and Consultancy):

Request form for consultancy:

Click Here

Policy for Consultancy:

Click here 

Contact Details:

Sr. No.


Contact Person(s)

Email ID


Research & Development

Dr. Ajay Kumar Gupta (Director - R&D)


Research & Development

Dr. Rajesh Bhosale (Dean - Research)

Discipline-Specific Contact Details:

Sr. No.


Name of the Contact Person

Email ID


Engineering and technology

Dr. Jignesh Kumar Mevada



Dr. Shyam Sunder Pancholi



Dr. Keyur Bhatt


Computer & IT

Dr. Meghnaben Babubhai Patel


Management / Social Science and Humanities

Dr. Jayesh D. Patel


Agriculture / Food Technology

Dr. Maurvi Vasavada


Healthcare / Nursing

Dr. Karpagavalli Nageswaran


Architecture & Design

Ar. S. R. Sisodia