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President Award Click here CAREER Click here Online Programmes Click here

Data Structures
Programme |
Bachelor of Technology |
Branch/Spec. |
Computer Science & Engineering (CBA/CS/BDA) |
Semester |
Version | |
Effective from Academic Year |
2022-23 |
Effective for the batch Admitted in |
June 2021 |
Subject code |
2CSE302 |
Subject Name |
Data Structures |
Teaching scheme |
Examination scheme (Marks) |
(Per week) |
Lecture(DT) |
Practical(Lab.) |
Total |
CE |
Total |
L |
TU |
P |
TW |
Credit |
3 |
0 |
2 |
0 |
5 |
Theory |
40 |
60 |
100 |
Hours |
3 |
0 |
4 |
0 |
7 |
Practical |
60 |
40 |
100 |
Pre-requisites: |
C Programming |
Learning Outcome: |
After completion of the course, student will be able to:
Theory syllabus |
Unit |
Content |
Hrs. |
1 |
LINEAR DATA STRUCTURES Array: Operations, RMO and CMO representation, Stack: Concepts and representation, Operations, Applications. Polish Expression, Reverse Polish Expression And Their Compilation, Recursion, Tower of Hanoi, Queue, Operations, Types viz. Applications of queue. Linked List: Concept and Representation,Operations, Types of Linked lists |
15 |
2 |
NONLINEAR DATA STRUCTURES Tree: Definitions and Concepts, Representation of binary tree, Binary tree traversal (Inorder, postorder, preorder), Threaded binary tree, Binary search trees, Conversion of General Trees To Binary Trees, Applications Of Trees- Some balanced tree mechanism, e.g. AVL trees, 2-3 trees |
10 |
3 |
GRAPH Basic Concept of Graph Theory and its Properties, Matrix Representation Of Graphs, Elementary Graph operations, Breadth First Search, Depth First Search, Spanning Trees, Minimum spanning tree- Prims and Kruskal Algorithm |
6 |
4 |
SORTING & SEARCHING Performance Analysis and Management - Time and space analysis of algorithms – Average, best and worst case analysis. Sorting – Bubble Sort, Selection Sort, Quick Sort, Merge Sort, Insertion sort, Heap Sort. Searching – Sequential Search and Binary Search |
8 |
5 |
HASHING : Hashing function, Collision Resolution Techniques. |
6 |
Self-Study |
Conversion of General Trees To Binary Trees, Heap Sort |
Practical content |
Practicals will be based on topics such as arrays, strings, stacks, queues, linked lists, graphs, trees, sorting and searching. |
Mooc Course |
Course Name: Programming, data structures and algorithms using Python Link: |
Text Books |
1 |
Fundamentals of Data Structures in C++ By Horowitz, Sartaj Sahani |
2 |
Data Structure Using C by ReemaThareja, Oxford Higher Education |
Reference Books |
1 |
Data Structures using C & C++ -By Ten Baum Publisher – Prenctice-Hall International |
2 |
Fundamentals of Computer Algorithms by Horowitz, Sahni,Galgotia Pub |
3 |
Data Structures: A Pseudo-code approach with C -By Gilberg & Forouzan Publisher- Thomson Learning |
4 |
An Introduction to Data Structures with Applications. by Jean-Paul Tremblay & Paul G. Sorenson Publisher-Tata McGraw Hill |
Course Outcomes: |
COs |
Description |
CO1 |
Learn different types of Linear data structures |
CO2 |
Understand different types of Non Linear data structures |
CO3 |
Apply appropriate data structure for solving typical computing problems |
CO4 |
Apply sorting and searching algorithms on small and large data sets. |
Mapping of CO and PO: