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President Award Click here CAREER Click here Online Programmes Click here

Cognitive Computing
Programme |
Bachelor of Technology |
Branch/Spec. |
Computer Science & Engineering (BDA) |
Semester |
Version | |
Effective from Academic Year |
2022-23 |
Effective for the batch Admitted in |
June 2019 |
Subject code |
2CSE712 |
Subject Name |
Teaching scheme |
Examination scheme (Marks) |
(Per week) |
Lecture(D) |
Practical (Lab.) |
Total |
CE |
Total |
L |
TU |
P |
TW |
Credit |
3 |
0 |
2 |
0 |
5 |
Theory |
40 |
60 |
100 |
Hours |
3 |
0 |
4 |
0 |
7 |
Practical |
60 |
40 |
100 |
Pre-requisites: |
Basics of Artificial Intelligence - Knowledge based Agent, Basics of Machine learning and Neural Network |
Learning Outcome: |
Upon Completion of the course, the students will be able to:
Theory syllabus |
Unit |
Content |
Hrs |
1 |
INTRODUCTION TO COGNITIVE SCIENCE AND COGNITIVE COMPUTING WITH AI: Cognitive Computing, Cognitive Psychology, The Architecture of the Mind, The Nature of Cognitive Psychology, Cognitive architecture, Cognitive processes, The Cognitive Modeling Paradigms, Declarative / Logic based Computational cognitive modeling, connectionist models –Bayesian models. Introduction to Knowledge-Based AI – Human Cognition on AI – Cognitive Architectures |
12 |
2 |
COGNITIVE COMPUTING WITH INFERENCE AND DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEMS: Intelligent Decision making, Fuzzy Cognitive Maps, learning algorithms: Nonlinear Hebbian Learning, Data driven NHL, Hybrid learning, Fuzzy Grey cognitive maps, Dynamic Random fuzzy cognitive Maps |
11 |
3 |
COGNITIVE COMPUTING WITH MACHINE LEARNING: Machine learning Techniques for cognitive decision making, Hypothesis Generation and Scoring, Natural Language Processing, Representing Knowledge, Taxonomies and Ontologies, N-Gram models, Application |
11 |
4 |
CASE STUDIES: Cognitive Systems in health care, Cognitive Assistant for visually impaired – AI for cancer detection, Predictive Analytics, Text Analytics, Image Analytics, Speech Analytics – IBM Watson – Introduction to IBM’s Power AI Platform - Introduction to Google’s TensorFlow Development Environment |
11 |
Self learning: CASE studies |
Practical content |
Practicals will be based on natural language processing pipeline, Visual recognition pipeline and various Watson assistant services - text to speech, speech to text, language translator, chatbot, knowledge discovery. |
Text Books |
1 |
Hurwitz, Kaufman, and Bowles, “Cognitive Computing and Big Data Analytics”, Wiley, Indianapolis. |
Reference Books |
1 |
Jerome R. Busemeyer, Peter D. Bruza, “Quantum Models of Cognition and Decision”, Cambridge University Press. |
2 |
Emmanuel M. Pothos, Andy J. Wills, “Formal Approaches in Categorization”, Cambridge University Press. |
3 |
Nils J. Nilsson, “The Quest for Artificial Intelligence”, Cambridge University Press. |
4 |
Neil Stillings, Steven E. Weisler, Christopher H. Chase and Mark H. Feinstein, “Cognitive Science: An Introduction”, MITPress. |
Course Outcome |
Cos |
Description |
CO1 |
Understand various concepts of cognitive computing |
CO2 |
Understand the evolution of Watson services from the original DeepQA architecture |
CO3 |
Describe various case studies related to cognitive computing. |
CO4 |
Develop cognitive computing related applications, like Chabot. |
Mapping of CO and PO: