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President Award Click here CAREER Click here Online Programmes Click here

Rakesh Vanzara
Associate Executive Dean-Under Graduate Programs, Faculty of Engineering & Technology (FoET)
Rakesh Vanzara is an IITian, educationist and passionate teacher with 21 years of teaching and industrial experience. He has earned his Master Degree in Information Technology from IIT-Roorkee. He has guided several undergraduates and postgraduate students for the project and research work. His research interest includes wireless networks, transport layer issues in heterogeneous networks, IoT and machine learning. He has published/presented several research papers in international/national journals and conferences. Currently is leading the Department of Information Technology at Ganpat University -U V Patel College of Engineering. He is also Dean of Under graduate programmes, Faculty of Engineering & Technology at Ganpat University and Chairperson of Board of Studies of Information Technology.
At the 20th Dewang Mehta Business School Awards in association with Business School Affairs and Hindustan Unilever Ltd., Prof. Rakesh D. Vanzara received the prestigious 20th Dewang Mehta Business School Award for Best Professor in Information Technology on 24th November, 2012 at Hotel Taj Lands Ends, Mumbai. The Dewang Mehta Business Award is presented in the Memory of Late Dewang Mehta. Recently, he has been recognized for special contribution and received Ganpat University’s President Award for Institution Capacity Building for the year 2019.
He is the key person in the implementation of learning management systems at Institute and for introducing best teaching-learning mechanisms and curriculum development. He is also serving as reviewer in SCI Journals and many conferences. Prof. Vanzara got the unmatched teaching style and serving as mentor to many students to achieve their dream.