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Faculty of Architecture, Design & Planning
Ganpat University Exhibition Support System (GUESS): GUNI-FADP invite artist, curator, sculptor, existing ready exhibitions and let the student be able to see and learn from Exhibitions. Indian Green Building Council (IGBC) Students’ Chapter: Initiative to seed green ideas in young minds and create awareness and impart knowledge of green buildings. FADP Research Consultancy and Design Cell (GUNI-FADP RCDC): To support the commitment towards enhancing new innovation, invention, design, and process. To inculcate excellent research and consultancy culture for supporting Architecture, Conservation, Planning, and Infrastructure related research activities as well as cutting-edge services. To provide distinctive and significant research with innovative support in encouraging life long and splendid research experience the, GUNI-FADP RCDC is formed. AVIRAT: National level seminars, workshops, exhibitions are organized in partnership with collaborated universities,Institutes, and research organizations. Participating students are exposed to a new way of thinking and imagining.
Pioneering Initiatives
- Started B.Arch. in 2015 approved by the Council of Archtiecture, New Delhi.
- Started B.Des. in 2016 in affiliation with IIID.
- Ganpat University Film Association (GUFA): To curate and bring selected films/documentaries to improvise student's skills and knowledge with the help of strong media.
- PRABODHAN Lecture Series: Students looking forward to meeting and interacting with inspiring personalities. GUNI-FADP would love to be instrumental in bringing professional personalities to the campus.
- Institutional Membership - IIA
- Institutional Membership IIID
- Ganpat University Exhibition Support System (GUESS): GUNI-FADP invite artist, curator, sculptor, existing ready exhibitions and let the student be able to see and learn from Exhibitions.
- Indian Green Building Council (IGBC) Students’ Chapter: Initiative to seed green ideas in young minds and create awareness and impart knowledge of green buildings.
- FADP Research Consultancy and Design Cell (GUNI-FADP RCDC): To support the commitment towards enhancing innovation, invention, design, and process. To inculcate excellent research and consultancy culture for supporting Architecture, Conservation, Planning, and Infrastructure related research activities as well as cutting-edge services. To provide distinctive and significant research with innovative support in encouraging life long and splendid research experience the, GUNI-FADP RCDC is formed.
- AVIRAT: National-level seminars, workshops, exhibitions are organized in partnership with collaborated universities, Institutes, and research organizations. Participating students are exposed to a new way of thinking and imagining.
- GUNI-AHEAD – Atma Nirbhar
Dean Message

Since the inception of Ganpat University’s Faculty of Architecture, Design & Planning, we have been on a mission – to generate momentum and fervor for Architecture and Design in the region through incessant efforts on all fronts – from academia to co-curriculum, from path-breaking research to credible practice, from fostering relationships with our peers to creating an identity of our own.
We are truly in a phase of change that is exciting and scary at the same time, both due to the sheer scale of what we wish to accomplish as well as the speed at which this change is being administered within each of us, students and faculty alike. The recent years have also opened our eyes to the many possibilities within our grasp – of collaborating with experts in the field, hardcore practitioners, changemakers, organizations, and professional bodies. This has further strengthened our belief that Architecture & Design can be best taught through Practice.
With the GUNI #AHEAD model, we have enacted upon our vision to create holistically refined, constantly evolving, thoroughly grounded, and visionary architects and interior, designers with a skill set that is in line with contemporary field practices. As students during the day, and practitioners post-teaching hours, students will not only learn under the tutelage of skilled academicians but also hone their competencies in practice under the mentorship of field experts, all the while working on real-time consultancy projects. This all-encompassing education shall inevitably give rise to inspired architects and designers who are industry-ready, and who graduate with an experience akin to an intermediate-level practitioner.
At GUNI-FADP, we act towards changing the norms to match and oftentimes surpass professional expectations through innovative solutions to existing and possible future problems and concerns, resolving them now and bringing forth the true potential of any student who wishes to broaden their academic horizons in an experimental yet realistic environment. Thus, I welcome you to witness and be part of an environment of effective and dynamic change, life-changing opportunities, and positive growth.
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