President Award Click here CAREER Click here Online Programmes Click here

President Award Click here CAREER Click here Online Programmes Click here

Past Events
Yuvarangat 2024
The Garba Mahotsav was held on the huge Football ground of the main campus wh...
Design of Curriculum base...
Theme of the seminar: Design of Curriculum based...
1st International Confere...
The present International Conference provides a platform to the researchers,...
One Day Workshop - Nation...
Major Themes of the seminar: Ho...
National Anveshan 2023
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16th Convocation
Ganpat University celebrates 16th Convocation in the august presence...
Yuvarangat 2022
15th Convocation
Address of Chief Guest Shri Bhupendrabhai PatelHon'ble Chief Minist...
Manthan National Level Te...
A quiz is a form of game or mind sport, in which the players in teams attempt to...
GCeMP Ganpat University I...
In recent turmoil era, achieving competitive advantages remains the top-of-the-m...
International Conference...
The purpose of this conference is to publish high-quality research works on Com...
Navratri 2021
18th Foundation Day Celeb...
It is hereby informed to all concerned that the 18th Foundation Day Celebrati...
Anveshan (West Zone Stude...
The West Zone Student Research Convention “Anveshan 2018” held at Ganpat Univers...
Sports Day
Sports days or field days are events staged by many schools and offices in which...
Youth Festival
This is the 22nd National Youth Festival. The 1st National Youth Festival was he...
Two Days Workshop on “Electronic Gadget Designing

A two days Workshop on “Electronic Gadget Designing” was organised by Department of Physics, Mehsana Urban Institute of Sciences at Ganpat University on 1st and 2nd May, 2017. The main purpose of two days’ workshop was to supplement the understanding and clarify the concept of Electronics, Circuit Designing and Fault finding in some usual as well as advanced level Electronic gadgets.
After discussing with the Resource Persons and the Advisory committee a series of Talks and a Technical session was planned for this workshop. Dr. Darshan Vyas, Head, Department of Physics, Hemchandra Acharya North Gujarat University, Patan, graced and handled the two days event as the Resource Person. On the first day after formal inauguration the workshop started with great enthusiasm. Dr. R. K. Patel, Dean, Faculty of Science and Pharmacy, Dr. Amit Parikh, Principal, Mehsana Urban Institute of Sciences, Dr. Devang Shah, Head, Department of Physics and Cordinator of this Workshop was present along with the Resource Person during the inaugural. The participants and resource person were welcomed and the idea behind the workshop was explained to them. The workshop started with the best wishes and messages from the distinguished seniors. The workshop began with a keynote lecture about the Basics of Electronics and Circuit Elements, by Dr. Darshan Vyas. During the post lunch session participants received the kits for designing the electronic gadgets. Two different gadgets were designed by various groups of participants: Regulated power Supply and Digital Clock.
Next day the participants continued with their gadgets and also learned the technique of fault finding in the gadgets. The participants were students of B.Sc. sem. 6, M.Sc. sem. 2 and M.Sc. sem. 4 from Physics Department. All the Resource Person and the Participants were facilitated with souvenirs and certificates by Head of the Institute.
As workshop outcome the participants had a wonderful opportunity to understand some amazing aspects of Electronic Gadgets, Fault finding and their remedial. The satisfaction of the participants was evident by their positive feedback received at the end of the workshop.
"New India for Young India: Techade of Oppo...