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Microprocessor & Microcontroller

The Laboratory has been developed to provide hardware and software training in the field of micro-processor and microcontroller. The hardware consists of 8085, Peripheral Application Board training kits 8051 micro-controller training kits and application-based training modules like a traffic light control system, Stepper motor control system, etc. The Lab also has computers and relevant software packages like SPJ cross-compiler, built-in EPROM programmer software etc. Students are encouraged to develop different programs for particular application.


  • 8085 Microprocessor Trainer-M85-02
  • Microprocessor Device Trainer
  • Peripheral Application Board
  • Starter Kit 8051 Microcontroller
  • 8-Bit Parallel ADC/DAC Add-on Card
  • Stepper Motor Controller Card With Motor IC-08
  • DC Motor Controller Card With Motor IC-14
  • 8-Bit AD/DA Interfacing Module IC-26
  • 8-Bit Microcontroller M51-02
  • Traffic Light Control Kit IC-12
  • Relay Interfacing Kit IC-15
  • Micro-Controller & Embedded System Complete Lab Set
  • Educational Practice Board For 8051
  • 8-Bit Micro-Controller


  1. Addition and storage of two 8-bit numbers at external memory.
  2. Addition of first 10 natural numbers and storage at external memory.
  3. Sending a message at serial window.
  4. Generation of triangular wave at port.
  5. Generation of square wave of two different frequencies simultaneously on two port pins.
  6. Real time clock of minutes and seconds.
  7. To perform Binary counting on the LED display using a microprocessor through programmable peripheral interface, 8255.
  8. To perform Binary Sequential operation of LED display using a microprocessor through programmable peripheral interface, 8255.
  9. To perform Bar graph type LED display using a microprocessor through programmable peripheral interface, 8255.
  10. To perform Decimal/hexadecimal count on 7-segment display using a microprocessor through programmable peripheral interface, 8255.
  11. To perform Relay operation – alternate ON/OFF using a microprocessor through programmable peripheral interface, 8255.
  12. To perform Sensing of switch status (S0 - S3) using a microprocessor through programmable peripheral interface, 8255.
  13. To control Stepper-motor using microprocessor through programmable peripheral interface, 8255.
  14. To control DC-motor using microprocessor through programmable peripheral interface, 8255.

Microprocessor & Microcontroller