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Analog and Digital Electronics

Analog Electronics 

Analog electronics is a field of study where various electronic circuits are studied which helps in bridging the gap between the real world and analogy world. The experiment topics range from study of basic circuits like Inventing and noninverting Configuration amplifier, using Op-amp (IC 741) and different application of Op-amps etc. to advanced topics like Precision circuits, Filters, Oscillators, and applications of Integrated Circuits such as Timers (IC 555) & Regulators (IC 78XX). Hands on practise do using trainer kit 


Digital Electronics 

The Digital Electronics Laboratory is a unit of the Electrical and Instrumentation Engineering. The role of this laboratory is to educate undergraduate and graduate students the concept and techniques of Digital Electronics and carry out cutting-edge research in this area. To perform rigorous experiments with different types of designs as sequential logic circuits, combinational logic circuits, study of digital CROs, testing of ICs and logic gates, flip-flops, and counters realization of truth tables using multiplexers, study and troubleshooting of various digital systems


Analog and Digital Electronics

List of Main Equipment


Trainer kit of Op-Amp- Characteristics-Scientech-ST2322


Op-Amp- Application Scientech-ST2323


Timer Application IC-555


Logic Gate Kit   Adtron-2502


Multiplexer/Demultiplexer Adtron-2522/2523


Flip Flop Kit Model-NV6555


Encoder and Decoder Kit NV-6557


Digital Storage Oscilloscope NB-106C Model-806


D.C Regulated Power Supply Model-ST4077


Digital Multimeter Rish-15 S

List of Main Equipment