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President Award Click here CAREER Click here Online Programmes Click here

Database Management System
Programme |
Bachelor of Technology |
Branch/Spec. |
Computer Science & Engineering (CBA/CS/BDA) |
Semester |
Version | |
Effective from Academic Year |
2023-24 |
Effective for the batch Admitted in |
June 2022 |
Subject code |
2CSE301 |
Subject Name |
Teaching scheme |
Examination scheme (Marks) |
(Per week) |
Lecture (DT) |
Practical(Lab.) |
Total |
CE |
Total |
L |
TU |
P |
TW |
Credit |
4 |
0 |
2 |
0 |
6 |
Theory |
40 |
60 |
100 |
Hours |
4 |
0 |
4 |
0 |
8 |
Practical |
60 |
40 |
100 |
Pre-requisites: |
Set Theory, Mathematical relationships, simple file records concept |
Learning Outcomes: |
After Successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
Theory syllabus |
Unit |
Content |
Hrs |
1 |
Basics of Database Introduction and applications of DBMS, Purpose of database, View of Data, Database Languages, Database architecture, Database users and DBA |
4 |
2 |
Relational Model Structure of Relational Databases, Database Schema, Keys, Relational Operations and Relational Algebra |
6 |
3 |
Entity Relationship Model Basic Concepts and definitions, Constraints, Entity Relationship Diagram, Weak Entity Sets, Extended E-R Features, Conversion of ER diagram into relations |
8 |
4 |
SQL Introduction to SQL, Data Definition of SQL, Basic structure of SQL queries, Basic SQL operations (rename, string operations, order by, where clause), Set operations, Null values, Aggregate functions, Nested Subqueries, Modification of Database, JOIN expressions, Views, Integrity constraints, Data types and Schemas, Authorization |
10 |
5 |
Relational Database Design First Normal Form, Decomposition, Desirable Properties of Decomposition, Functional Dependencies, Second and Third Normal Form and Boyce-Codd Normal Form |
10 |
6 |
Advanced SQL Introduction, Cursors, Stored Procedures, Stored Functions, Triggers, Partitioning |
4 |
7 |
Indexing and Hashing Basic concepts, Ordered Indices, Hash Based Indexing, Tree based Indexing |
4 |
8 |
Transaction Management and concurrency Transaction concepts, properties of transactions, serializability, testing for serializability, Transaction Isolation and Atomicity, Transaction isolation levels, Implementation of isolation levels, Lock based protocols, Deadlock handling, Timestamp based protocols, two- phase locking protocol |
12 |
9 |
NoSQL Databases Introduction, properties of NoSQL Databases, types of NoSQL databases |
2 |
Self-Study Topics: |
Database System Architecture Centralized Client-Server Architecture, Parallel Systems, Distributed Systems Query Processing and Query Optimization Overview, Measures of Query Cost, Transformation of Relational Expressions |
Practical content |
Practical contents will be based on following concepts:
Mooc Course |
Course Name: Database Management System |
Text Books |
1 |
Database System Concepts By Silberschatz, Korth, Sudarshan |
2 |
MySQL(TM): The Complete Reference By Vikram Vaswani |
Reference Books |
1 |
An Introduction to Database Systems : Eighth Edition By C. J. Date |
2 |
Database Management Systems by G K Gupta |
Course Outcomes: |
COs |
Description |
CO1 |
Understand database concepts and query language |
CO2 |
Understand the E R model and relational model |
CO3 |
Design and build a database system and demonstrate competence with the fundamental tasks involved with modelling, designing, and implementing a DBMS. |
CO4 |
Apply PL/SQL programming using various basic and advanced concepts of RDBMS. |
Mapping of CO and PO: