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President Award Click here CAREER Click here Online Programmes Click here

Hiren J. Patel
Associate Executive Dean-Faculty of Management Studies (FMS)
Dr. Hiren J. Patel hold BE (Production), MBA (Marketing), PGDOM, PhD (Management). Five students have completed their PhD and five students have completed their MPhil under his guidance. He has total 19 years of teaching experience at PG Level. Since 01/01/2020 he is professor at Ganpat University- V M Patel Institute of Management. Currently, He is Prof. & Head (I/C) of V M Patel Institute of Management.
Dr. Patel has published 20 research papers and eight book/book chapters till date in various national and international journals which includes International journal of Bank Marketing (ABDC A), Services Marketing Quarterly (ABDC B), International Journal of Value Chain Management (Scopus), International Journal of Healthcare Management (ABDC C) and International Journal of Supply and Operations Management (Scopus). His total Google scholar citation is 289. His ORCID ID: is and Scopus author id is 57207094874. He has completed District Human Development Report Sponsored by Government of Gujarat as Principal Investigator worth of Rs. 6 Lakhs.
He is a reviewer of various national and international journals which includes Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics EMERALD Publication, International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Marketing (IJPHM)- EMERALD Publication, International Journal of Value Chain Management (IJVCM)- INDERSCIENCE Publication, International Journal of Supply and Operations Management (IJSOM)-EBSCO, International Journal of Operational Research (IJOR)- INDERSCIENCE Publication, International Journal of Thermofluids (ELSEVIER), Cleaner and Responsible Consumption (ELSEVIER) and Ganpat University-Faculty of Management Studies Journal of Management and Research (GFJMR). He is Guest Editor of GFJMR and Journal of Social Work and Social Development (UGC Care Listed).
He is chairman of Board of Studies of Faculty of Management Studies, Ganpat University. He is a Member Secretary of Governing Council of Faculty of Management Studies and Faculty of Social Science and Humanities. He is Associate Executive Dean at Faculty of Management Studies. He is a member of Unfair Means and Exam Audit Committee since 2018. He is Centre Coordinator for PhD and MBA examination since 2015. He is convener of International Conference and National Level Summer Project Competition. He is a member of selection committee for the post of Assistant Professor at Faculty of Management Studies, Ganpat University. He is PhD thesis evaluator/examiner for Gujarat University, Gujarat Technological University, University of Pune and R K University. He played key role in designing MoU between Lincoln University USA and Ganpat University.