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President Award Click here CAREER Click here Online Programmes Click here

Microcontroller & Applications
Programme |
Bachelor of Technology |
Branch/Spec. |
Computer Science & Engineering (CBA/CS/BDA) |
Semester |
V |
Version | |
Effective from Academic Year |
2023-24 |
Effective for the batch Admitted in |
June 2021 |
Subject code |
2CSE508 |
Subject Name |
Microcontroller & Applications |
Teaching scheme |
Examination scheme (Marks) |
(Per week) |
Lecture (DT) |
Practical (Lab.) |
Total |
CE |
Total |
L |
TU |
P |
TW |
Credit |
3 |
0 |
1 |
0 |
4 |
Theory |
40 |
60 |
100 |
Hours |
3 |
0 |
2 |
0 |
5 |
Practical |
30 |
20 |
50 |
Pre-requisites: |
Knowledge of Digital Electronics & Computer Organization subjects. |
Learning Outcome: |
Theory syllabus |
Unit |
Content |
Hrs |
1 |
Fundamentals of Microprocessor: Compare microprocessor and microcontroller, Architecture of 8085 microprocessor, Pin details and functional operation of 8085, Memory and I/O interfacing, Basics of Programming. |
08 |
2 |
Introduction to 8051 Architecture : The 8051 Architecture- Hardware- Oscillator and clock-program counter –data pointer-registers-stack and stack pointer-special function registers- memory organization-program memory-data memory -Input / Output Ports –External memory counter and timer-serial data Input / output-Interrupts. |
10 |
3 |
8051 Programming in Assembly Language : Basics of 8051 Assembly Language Programming-Structure of Assembly language-Assembling and running an 8051 program- Moving Data, Different Addressing modes-Accessing memory using various addressing modes- Arithmetic operations and Programs-Logical operations and Programs -Branching - I/O Port Programs – bit level instructions and Programs –Timer and counters - and application Programs, Interrupt programming, 8051 programming in ‘C’. |
15 |
4 |
Peripheral Interfacing: Memory Interfacing, 7-Segment LED Display, LCD and Keyboard Interfacing, ADC, DAC interfacing, relay, Stepper Motor Interfacing, DC motor control, different Sensors and relevant application programs. |
12 |
Self Study Topics : |
Microcomputer Systems, RAM / ROM, Difference between Microcontroller and Microprocessor, different Buses, De-multiplexing of address/data bus, generation of control signals. |
Practical content |
Suggested List of Practicals : |
Microcontroller Programming using softwares, circuit design and simulation, programs based on various Addressing modes of 8051, creating hex file, loading into software as well as real hardware, programs based on various instruction sets, timers, counters. Various interfacing circuits and verification on software as well as hardware. |
Mooc Course : |
Text Books : |
1 |
Microprocessor Architecture: Programming and Applications with the 8085, Penram International Publishing by R. S. Gaonkar. |
2 |
The 8051 Microcontrollers Architecture, Programming & Applications by Kenneth J. Ayala. |
3 |
The 8051 Microcontrollers and Embedded Systems by Muhammed Ali Mazidi. |
Reference Books : |
1 |
Embedded Systems, Shibu K, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing, New Delhi. |
2 |
Programming and Customizing the 8051 Microcontroller, Myke Predko, Tata McGraw-Hill Edition. |
Course Outcomes: |
COs |
Description |
CO1 |
Understand Architecture of Microprocessor and Microcontroller. |
CO2 |
Learn programming instructions and addressing modes. |
CO3 |
Develop application programs using assembly and C Languages. |
CO4 |
Design a hardware interfacing circuit comprising microcontrollers and supporting ICs to construct a useful real time application working as an electronic embedded system. |
Mapping of CO and PO: