President Award Click here CAREER Click here Online Programmes Click here

President Award Click here CAREER Click here Online Programmes Click here

Past Events
Yuvarangat 2024
The Garba Mahotsav was held on the huge Football ground of the main campus wh...
Design of Curriculum base...
Theme of the seminar: Design of Curriculum based...
1st International Confere...
The present International Conference provides a platform to the researchers,...
One Day Workshop - Nation...
Major Themes of the seminar: Ho...
National Anveshan 2023
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16th Convocation
Ganpat University celebrates 16th Convocation in the august presence...
Yuvarangat 2022
15th Convocation
Address of Chief Guest Shri Bhupendrabhai PatelHon'ble Chief Minist...
Manthan National Level Te...
A quiz is a form of game or mind sport, in which the players in teams attempt to...
GCeMP Ganpat University I...
In recent turmoil era, achieving competitive advantages remains the top-of-the-m...
International Conference...
The purpose of this conference is to publish high-quality research works on Com...
Navratri 2021
18th Foundation Day Celeb...
It is hereby informed to all concerned that the 18th Foundation Day Celebrati...
Anveshan (West Zone Stude...
The West Zone Student Research Convention “Anveshan 2018” held at Ganpat Univers...
Sports Day
Sports days or field days are events staged by many schools and offices in which...
Youth Festival
This is the 22nd National Youth Festival. The 1st National Youth Festival was he...
Two Days Workshop on “Quantum Mechanics: Theory to Simulation

A two days Workshop on “Quantum Mechanics: Theory to Simulation” was organised by Department of Physics, Mehsana Urban Institute of Sciences at Ganpat University on 20th and 21st December, 2018. The main purpose of two days’ workshop was to supplement the understanding and clarify the concept discussed during the regular curriculum as quantum mechanics is an indispensible tool to understand the advanced topics of science and technology.
After discussing with the Resource Persons and the Advisory committee a series of Talks and a Technical session was planned for this workshop.
Prof. V. N. Potbhare, Prof. A. C. Sharma and Dr. Narendra D. Chavda from The Maharaja Sayaji Rao University of Baroda, Vododara and Prof. K. N. Joshipura from Sardar Patel University, Anand graced and handled the two days event as the Resource Person. On the first day after formal inauguration and tree plantation by the guests the workshop started with great enthusiasm, the workshop began with a keynote lecture about the Uncertainty Principle, by Prof. V. N. Potbhare. During the next invited talk by Prof. K. N. Joshipura, the participants were guided to see how the observations slowly create path and requirement for moving from classical to quantum approach. How the atoms and molecules look like in a Quantum world? A special program of “Akaash Darshan” was organised on the evening where participants had a wonderful time of sky gazing.
Next day there were plenary talks by Prof. A. C. Sharma, which covered various conservation laws and their invariance in Quantum Mechanics, the talks also covered advanced topics of the subject like the development story of Relativistic Quantum Mechanics. Later there was yet another lecture by Prof. V. N. Potbhare which elaborated a new point of view to understand the wave particle duality of light.
During the afternoon session a technical session was coordinated under the supervision and guidance of Dr. Narendra D. Chavda. During this session the participants did the coding and learned about Elementary Computational Quantum Mechanics.
A total number of 109 participants attended the workshop from the organizing institute as well as other colleges and universities of the state. The students of UG, PG program, research associates and faculties of various institutes got registered for the workshop. The total fund collected through registration fees was INR 55,400.00 only while the expenses made during the workshop was INR 57,360.00.
As workshop outcome the participants had a wonderful opportunity to understand some amazing aspects of quantum world and solve some basic problems of quantum mechanics with the help numerical analysis and simulations. The satisfaction of the participants was evident by their positive feedback received at the end of the workshop.
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