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President Award Click here CAREER Click here Online Programmes Click here

Past Events
Yuvarangat 2024
The Garba Mahotsav was held on the huge Football ground of the main campus wh...
Design of Curriculum base...
Theme of the seminar: Design of Curriculum based...
1st International Confere...
The present International Conference provides a platform to the researchers,...
One Day Workshop - Nation...
Major Themes of the seminar: Ho...
National Anveshan 2023
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16th Convocation
Ganpat University celebrates 16th Convocation in the august presence...
Yuvarangat 2022
15th Convocation
Address of Chief Guest Shri Bhupendrabhai PatelHon'ble Chief Minist...
Manthan National Level Te...
A quiz is a form of game or mind sport, in which the players in teams attempt to...
GCeMP Ganpat University I...
In recent turmoil era, achieving competitive advantages remains the top-of-the-m...
International Conference...
The purpose of this conference is to publish high-quality research works on Com...
Navratri 2021
18th Foundation Day Celeb...
It is hereby informed to all concerned that the 18th Foundation Day Celebrati...
Anveshan (West Zone Stude...
The West Zone Student Research Convention “Anveshan 2018” held at Ganpat Univers...
Sports Day
Sports days or field days are events staged by many schools and offices in which...
Youth Festival
This is the 22nd National Youth Festival. The 1st National Youth Festival was he...
GUNI SciTech Fest 2022

The 28th February is celebrated as a National Science Day in India every year, in honor of our Indian Scientist, Sir C.V. Raman, who invented the famous Raman Effect. The discovery by
C.V. Raman brought him the Nobel Prize in 1930, the first time for an Indian. Also, the Raman Effect was honored with the rank of being a National Historic Chemical Landmark by the American Chemical Society on 15 December 1998. It got designated as an International Historic Chemical Landmark in the year 2013 on the National Science Day.
The entire nation celebrates the National Science Day as a science festival by organizing science exhibitions, workshops, seminars, symposiums, and many more activities. The aim to celebrate the day with great enthusiasm is to impart scientific temper in the minds of people of all age groups. Events are organized in educational institutes as well as research centers involving experts, learners, and scientists. The Department of Science & Technology (DST) has been selecting themes for observing National Science Day every year. Accordingly, the Ministry of Science & Technology conveyed that the theme selected for the National Science Day 2022 is "Integrated approach in science and technology for a sustainable future”, to memorialize, understand, and acknowledge the inventions in science and technology and its role to charter the way forward.
This year, MUIS planned to celebrate this day jointly with Ganpat Vidylaya at the state-level through various scientific activities. This year we have divided it into two categories: (i) Science Competitions: Quiz, Rangoli, Poster Presentation, Healthy Food Competition, SciToon (Science cartoon with slogan), Working Model Presentation, and Non-working model Presentation (ii) Distinguished Lecture and Expert Talk with Demonstration of Science models. The Science competitions were held at the B.Sc. building of MUIS, GUNI on 28-02-2022 from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM, whereas Distinguished Lecture and Expert Talk, along with the Prize distribution ceremony were held at the New MBA Auditorium Hall from 1:00 PM onward.
"New India for Young India: Techade of Oppo...