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Project Laboratory

The main goal of the project laboratory is to provide assistance and resources for the development of projects, products, or techniques/technology that are targeted towards particular end users. The project laboratory places emphasis on the clear identification of technological requirements in order to effectively use growth-oriented efforts for the holistic development of pupils. The proposed approach involves promoting and encouraging active participation and collaboration of students in the development process. The primary objective is for the goods and technology created by the students within the project to have practical applications that serve the wider population. The laboratory will serve as a valuable tool for fostering the development of research-oriented abilities among the students. The laboratory will also assist students in the application of contemporary research methodologies to their current tasks.

There are four distinct categories of research that may be identified: basic research, applied research, development research, and design and development.

Major Instruments:

  • 32 bit Microcontroller Kit
  • H-Bridge Inverter Card
  • Scientific make Dc Power Supply 
  • 8-Bit Micro-Control
  • Electrial Project Panel With Muitspan Pokler Meter 3ϕMCB,1ϕMCB,5amp Socket &3ϕ&1ϕ Terminals
  • Sensor Card
  • Driver Card
  • 100 MHz Digitall Storage Oscilloscope

Project Laboratory

Projects Prepared By Students